Saturday 28 September 2013

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Starting the project..

Hi guys, during the summer I've been collecting random vessel like objects to start a Form and Function project in September...yes very exciting! This is my first blog that I will be updating every week to let you know what I'm getting up to and how I'm progressing throughout the project.
Below is some of the work that I did over the summer which concludes of observational drawings, sketches, thought webs, and research pages:
Image of mixed media drawings

Image of a reflective vase drawing with an introduction to research

At the start of summer I was used to the techniques and materials I had developed during my a-levels like ink/watercolour wash with heavy biro detailing, mixed media, and drawing on different types of materials; as you can see in the photo examples. I hope in the future of this course it will extend my knowledge of skills and techniques and also this will show with the frequent uploads of the work in my sketchbook as well as my other work.

Image of observational drawings in different medias

Thursday 12 September 2013