Sunday 2 November 2014

Walking in the Woods Preview

Walking in the Woods- Acrylic and oil on canvas
Hellooooo everyone :)

Not been able to post in a while, been really busy with uni work and started off a new commission. Thankfully I haven't been postponing my paintings and various gallery visits (addicted).

Here I will show you the series of progress from the commission I've been working on these past couple of weeks:

This is how it began to look the first week when I began to build up the layers of acrylic. Thankfully it dried a lot quicker for the oil. I applied these layers with palette knives and used an acrylic paint spray to set mellows within the sky, which gave a nice effect. Given that the commission has been sold and moved on now, I feel that the painting would of took a turn for the best if I had kept it like this. But then again, I can always try these techniques again on another piece of work :)

The second stage, I started to add in the silhouettes of the trees and more foreground detail. I had chosen blue because I wanted the detail to stand out as a whole not just focusing on Autumn colours, which gave it a nice twisted effect. But from those who have been following me know that my work always strays from the natural order of things for example my previous commission "Autumn trees along Calderstones Park".

Autumn Trees along Calderstones Park- acrylic and oil on canvas

The third stage was just keeping up detailing and etchings in the foreground, whilst adding a shower of leaves in the canopies of the trees. This gave a lovely contrast to the warmth of the trees to the cold shades of blue on the lower trunks and the foreground. To make this commission personal to the client I added in silhouettes of a couple walking their two dogs, this made the painting as a whole more characteristic in ways that relate to the clients and for myself as a growing artist.

And lastly the final stage of it being placed upon the owners wall :) (flash is a bit strong so you can hardly see the detail on the trees) So lucky that they would like another painting from me, but I will keep you all updated.