Friday 2 May 2014

Going Local LIVERPOOL Heritage in Ruins

Going local, Liverpool, heritage in ruins:

Simply demonstrates me following the topics of research into my city and culture and what to make of the architecture in comparison.

I will determine and thoroughly investigate the old against new forces of contemporary to modern architecture and how I can come to terms with the heritage meaning 'the past' or just a sense of status that can be seen not only in the sites in which it holds but also city that surrounds it can be a greater clause than most.

I will also be coming to terms with the meaning of the term 'ruins' and that they not only define: "the remains of human-made architecture; structures that were once complete, disrepair given that in the time that they were built could easily come across as a name, status, a memory, or an image, however in this case I am looking at ruins that have been built up from that foundation of past and what competition has to offer.

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