Thursday 8 May 2014

How do I find inspiration?



How do I find inspiration?

I am surrounded by nature, and that is a huge inspiration for me, not only landscapes and seascapes, but seasons and the weather. It's been so cold lately, and I can see all my paintings have a lot of blue in them! I also love the internet for inspiration. It is a never-ending source of fascinating and diverse art at my fingertips. Current contemporary artists who I follow include Tim Summerton, the Australian artist. His work straddles abstract and figurative, and he works in layers, which gives a wonderful richness to the surface of his paintings. The more traditional British artist Andrew Gifford I enjoy for his lyrical capturing of light. His Istanbul series is evocative and beautiful.

How I begin a painting?

My paintings very often start with an idea and possibly a small drawing. Then I block out my canvas with washes of colour, I like to be spontaneous, and I try to push myself in terms of mark making. My canvasses have many layers of paint on them, and spend a lot of time on the floor having paint dripped and splashed on them, building texture. I use acrylic paints, decent quality acrylic is highly pigmented, and fast drying paint is extremely important as it allows me to move forward with a painting relatively quickly. Choosing when a piece is finished I find hard! I often have canvasses in my studio for weeks or months, waiting for me to make that decision.

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