Saturday 24 May 2014

Recent Paintings


Just want to introduce some new paintings that I've been working on these past few weeks!

Below: "Purple Sight"

Given the name because of the main color that brightens up opposed to the black shadows. And 'Sight' to depict the image as a whole.
The materials I used were acrylic as I wanted to apply various layers of paint in order to get the built up look. My inspirations for this piece were mainly my views on how the landscape has changed over time but associated with the works of Chrystel Lebas.

Given that her work is drawn from her interest in looking at how landscapes can be portrayed with a psychological significance this is something that I am using in a expressive approach to history, time and place and how to communicate these within an image.

The strengths of this piece are based upon my techniques to paint using a palette/ drawing knife or a brush.
I really enjoyed making these as practice makes perfect when your not used to painting to bigger scale. 

Below: "The View"

The name just reminded me of the work itself which i think is simplicity at its best.
The painting depicts an image in which I had taken of the fields in Hale Village, though the photo includes the distant pollution across the Mersey I decided to cut that scope out. Not using the image as an exact replica I decided to use different colors to make it my own interpretation; mainly using yellow ochre as a contrasting tool.

To reflect on English weather I secluded the idea of having happy blue skies to a cloudy overcast, which i think makes the deception between the foreground more appropriate. 
Artists I used for inspiration were Tim Summerton and Andrew Gifford as he works with the mechanics of light and atmosphere. From this I then depicted the use of color to capture light that has been changed into a surreal landscape.

Below: "Farmyard Orchid"

The name I'd given this piece only inspired me to do so because it was inevitable to call it something that didn't remind me of the place which was the farmyard fields in Hale Village. I didn't use a photograph of an exact place so with the ones I already had I played around with sketching different areas and mix matching scenes to create an idyllic homely outlook.

The materials I have used again was acrylic to build up texture within the paint. But also it's easier to mix with other paints such as oil to thicken it.
Artists I used for inspiration were Seurat for the rapid spontaneity of applying paint in bits on the canvas, which I think is a much faster process in order to get layers of paint down. I also used Monet as inspiration as I wanted to create a reflective surface in the foreground to that in the leaves on the trees.

Compared to "Purple Sight" the expression isn't that strong in means of a message for example: PS can express isolation, erosion, destruction, loss in the terms of deforestation. Whilst this one could foretell home. The key is to play with contrast and descriptive words in order to create an image itself.

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